Follow-up workflow

An optimized follow-up workflow that not only enhances communication but also promotes prevention. Experience the simplicity and effectiveness

Once a task, evaluation, or inspection is completed, it’s time to take the next step towards the follow-up process. Beonder Forms is ready to simplify this process and ensure a smooth transition from assessment to action.

Emails and Reminders

Receive comprehensive reports or email notifications with detailed information about the required follow-up actions. Add automated follow-up emails for each action.


Use email templates and reports to instantly send an overview for the follow-up process. With predefined templates, easily attach summaries of action items to emails, keeping your contacts informed of the results.


Automatic reminders ensure timely follow-up execution. As an administrator, easily choose the notification and reminder period. Stay proactive with real-time awareness of open follow-ups, maintaining control over ongoing tasks and receiving timely reminders before deadlines. This approach promotes improvements and prevention by ensuring timely follow-up completion.

Online Portal for External Users

Invite Participants

Invite external individuals, also known as participants, to enable them to send updates via the portal. Participants access the user-friendly portal through a secure link to add documents, send and receive messages, and update status.

The portal provides real-time updates on status changes, offering insight into the unfolding follow-up process. It’s a transparent and accessible way to stay informed throughout the entire process.

The chosen status changes by external participants are internally confirmed through specific statuses.

Continuous Improvement

Learn from each follow-up to refine processes, work preventively, and strengthen strategies. An iterative approach ensures that the management and handling of undesired scenarios stay under control.